Friday, December 30, 2011

Illinois 2011 (Joliet and Museum of Science and Industry)

My old house.

 the back.  it's an apartment now
 it used to be so much nicer
 the top floor attic me and my sister shared
 the elementary school that i went to
 it's crazy how much i actually remember of Joliet.  I was like 7 years old when we moved to Ohio

Taft Elementary School.  I went here for Kindergarten.
 I was born at St. Joseph's Medical Hospital.
The hospital. 
The high school my mom went to.  It really looks like a castle and it is huge.

The library I went to as a kid. :)

There are a ton of draw-bridge things and when I was little, I was scared to death of them.
 We went to a Conservatory in Joliet.

 Bird of Paradise.  I love those flowers!

Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago)

 SQUEAL!  body parts!!  my favorite thing in the whole world.  (yeah my dream is to become a surgeon.)



Sunday, October 23, 2011